The Tan Man

The Tan Man

Welcome to Thankful 4 Tanner

Hello all! And thank you for visiting our blog about our family and precious baby Tanner. Here you will always find up to date information about Tanner. I know sometimes it's hard to get ahold of us when you are wondering how Tanner is doing. So here we will post information we recieve at his doctor's appointments. We will always post Tanner's biweekly weight checks and overall growth. We'll post all of his accomplishments that seem to be coming daily. He's always trying something new. Thanks again for visiting and caring about our precious gift from God.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Tyler!

Today is Tyler's 6th birthday. We will be celebrating this Saturday with a super fun bowling party. Tanner turns 1 one Thursday!!! I can't believe how fast this year has gone. After Tyler's party we're going to have the family back to our house for cake and ice cream to celebrate Tanner's birthday. So, It's been two long weeks. It seems like each post is getting further and further apart. I LOVE blogging and just wish I had more time to commit to it.
Lately it seems like we've been flooded with appointments. I've opened the doors with a few more specialists that I've been wanting to get in touch with but wasn't considered "necessary" like neurology.
Tanner was also sick 2 weeks ago which I mentioned before and it really seemed like his ear was bothering him all of last week. He's been to his pediatrician twice within the last 2 weeks and his ears are still not infected but did have some clear fluid in them which can turn to an infection. He really just a had a rough week. He didn't want to eat and was just all together fussy. I couldn't figure out if it was reflux, teeth coming in, or his ears were becoming infected. So, after his second trip to the pediatrician, she gave his prilosec dose a boost and said a she thinks a lot of the fussiness is because he's teething. He's been on the new dose of prilosec for about a week now and he's back to eating his 6 ounce bottles and is pretty happy most of the time. Tanner weighed 13 pounds 7 ounces this visit. 14 pounds seems to be coming much slower than 11, 12, and 13. He did lose a little weight during those couple of weeks when he was under the weather. So, I'm keeping that in mind. I do think when Tanner is fussy it has a lot to do with teething. His upper incisors seem to be taking forever to come in but his bottom front tooth just popped up out of nowhere and he has not been happy about it.
Last Monday we saw neurology because Tanner had been having blinking episodes again. We had him on the "real" Keppra for just about 2 weeks at that point and had not seen a decrease in the episodes. I really have not seen any in about 5 days though so I think it's working. Neurology is the doctor and department I would consider Tanner's most important.....I'm really trying to connect with these people and it just has not happened for me. Tanner has seen 3 different neurologist at CHOP and the one he sees now he's been seeing for about 7 months. Every time I go there I have to remind him what seizure med Tanner is on, what the dose is, and WHICH SYNDROME MY SON HAS!!!! I truly cannot take it anymore. Even if you don't personally care about my son......please look at his chart before you walk in and make me think you do PLEASE. Give me peace of mind. I just don't see how NOT knowing your patients can possibly be effective. Uggh! I'm not sure where to go from here with neurology.
We saw nephrology today which is a new department for us. I said before that Tanner has a horseshoe kidney and I feel I'd like to have it checked on once or twice a year to be sure everything is functioning properly.....and it is:) We also had a new appointment with diagnostics today. They did an x-ray of Tanner's spine just to be sure there's no curvature or spina bifida. That all checked out well too. The doctor did say that Tanner is quire constipated by looking at the x-ray so he wrote a prescription to hopefully keep Tanner regular. Of course Tanner still had OT Monday and PT in addition to these appointments. Once a month during either OT or PT Sara, from Overbrook School For The Blind, comes to work on Tanner's vision coordination with his motor skills. So, she was also here this week. We have been busy, busy bees. We've been so busy that when I began writing this post I realized I have not taken any pictures or videos in these 2 weeks. So, Tanner and I posed for a couple of pictures so you don't forget what we look like:)
Mommy and Daddy adoring our angel

That's all for today. I'm beat!!! Happy Birthday to our boys!!!! (And little Miss Riley!)


nona said...

Happy Birthday Tyler todays the big six years we remember the day you were born like yesterday, To our Little Man Happy 1st Birthday To You on Thursday, God sent us an angel, We Love You Precious Boys!!! Pop-Pop & Nona xo

Hannah said...

Happy Birthday to both boys!!! Can you believe it has been a year?! I am amazed how fast this year has gone. So glad to hear the Tanner's kidneys and spine checked out well. That is a relief. I hope you are able to figure out the neurology dept. So frustrating. All we want is for the doctors to show some compassion for our child. Love the pictures, Tanner sure is a happy boy. You are doing an amazing job.

Kristy said...

Happy Birthday to Tyler and Tanner!!! I hope they both had great days. The pictures are sweet, Tanner seems very happy. I am sorry about the Neuro appt. I completely understand your frustration, been there. I too wish they would just read the chart first. The last time I had Dylan at the Ped we saw the Nurse Practioner and she made a comment that she was very concerned that he had fallen off the normal growth chart - which then I told her he has never been on the "normal" growth chart. UGG, so aggrivating.
Hang in there, you are doing a great job.

Jennifer said...

I love that pic of you, Justin and Tanner. Precious! We had a great time Saturday and hope to see you again soon! I love the blog too. You're doing a great job, super mom!