The Tan Man

The Tan Man

Welcome to Thankful 4 Tanner

Hello all! And thank you for visiting our blog about our family and precious baby Tanner. Here you will always find up to date information about Tanner. I know sometimes it's hard to get ahold of us when you are wondering how Tanner is doing. So here we will post information we recieve at his doctor's appointments. We will always post Tanner's biweekly weight checks and overall growth. We'll post all of his accomplishments that seem to be coming daily. He's always trying something new. Thanks again for visiting and caring about our precious gift from God.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tanner is super stoked!

Today, Tanner took his first 6 ounce bottle. Go you, little man! Tanner has also been sleeping great. He slept from 9pm until about 12am when I woke him up for his medicine and a diaper change and went right back to sleep until about 7:30am. He's such a good baby. Tanner has been smiles all day today. We went to Pardo's Automotive because they are sponsoring a golf hole for "Tee It Up For Tanner". (Thanks for your support Fran) and he was just cheesin' it up for Bob and Fran. Tanner captures hearts everywhere he goes.
Tanner is also a huge fan of bath time. I actually think he really enjoys anything that involves him being naked. Haha. I got the cutest picture of him in his towel after this bath yesterday.

I also got some great pictures yesterday of the boys.
Here's one of Carter cruising around in his VW Bug.

And another of all three of the boys. They're all so cute!

Mimi is coming over to babysit tonight so we can go out for dinner and a movie. We are super EXCITED! This very much needed together time for us. Now all I have to do is convince Justin to see "The Time Travelers Wife". I'm such a sappy hopeless romantic.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

1 comment:

mimi said...

Way to go little man!!! Mimi is so proud of you for taking 6 oz. You must have really been hungry. I can't wait to see you tonight.
Love Mimi