The Tan Man

The Tan Man

Welcome to Thankful 4 Tanner

Hello all! And thank you for visiting our blog about our family and precious baby Tanner. Here you will always find up to date information about Tanner. I know sometimes it's hard to get ahold of us when you are wondering how Tanner is doing. So here we will post information we recieve at his doctor's appointments. We will always post Tanner's biweekly weight checks and overall growth. We'll post all of his accomplishments that seem to be coming daily. He's always trying something new. Thanks again for visiting and caring about our precious gift from God.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A day at Valley Forge Park

We had a fun filled day today. Justin and I took the boys to Valley Forge park. There we had a picnic, kicked balls in the field, went on a nature walk, and took some pictures in old log cabins that soldiers used to sleep in during the revolutionary war. We got some really cute pictures.
Here we are doing some ball exercises in the field with Tanner.

Here are all of my boys outside of one of the log cabins.

And here's Carter and Tyler posing on one of the bunks that the soldiers slept in.

The kids are always saying and doing funny things as I'm sure you've read in past posts. Just to throw a few out there.....I asked Tyler where daddy was and he replied "He's in the bathroom......what are you? The cops?". Hilarious and completely unexpected. And of course Carter always has something silly to say. I took him to playground yesterday. When it was time to go I put him in the stroller and he points and says "Mommy!! Kangaroos!!". I looked in the direction of his point to see 2 deer nibbling on some grass. He's so funny:)
I have a great video of Tanner talking up a storm but I can't get it uploaded. I hope it's not too long. Make sure you check tomorrow because I plan on winning the upload battle tonight after the kids go to sleep:) It's a GREAT video.

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