The Tan Man

The Tan Man

Welcome to Thankful 4 Tanner

Hello all! And thank you for visiting our blog about our family and precious baby Tanner. Here you will always find up to date information about Tanner. I know sometimes it's hard to get ahold of us when you are wondering how Tanner is doing. So here we will post information we recieve at his doctor's appointments. We will always post Tanner's biweekly weight checks and overall growth. We'll post all of his accomplishments that seem to be coming daily. He's always trying something new. Thanks again for visiting and caring about our precious gift from God.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Some pictures of Tanner from the last week or so

I'm going to try to make up for some lost time here by posting some pictures of Tanner that I would have shared earlier if we were not so busy. The first one is Tanner with his sea horse (We actually all call it a sea forse because that's how Carter says it....even Sonny, Tanner's OT calls it a sea forse.) Tanner loves the sea forse and reaches out to touch it. It lights up and plays music. Kind of like a glow worm. It was a present from his big brother Tyler.
I love this picture. Mimi is holding him to model his new skull cap that mommy bought for him. I have the perfect shirt to go with it. I'll show you that shirt next!
We got this shirt at the beach in June and it finally fits. If you can't read it, it says "My Dad's Tattoos are cooler than yours".
I got this really cool toy that kind of forces Tanner to use his arms. It's an elevated ladybug that we lay him on. We put him on his belly and he uses his arms to spin himself to the different flower petals to play with the different toys. He seems to do ok with it. He doesn't put as much weight on his arms doing it as I had hoped but eventually I think this cool toy will benefit him. It helps him with head control as well. Although he's been doing very well with that for awhile now.
This was just today during play time. He loves this rattle that Mimi got for him. He held it for 4 straight minutes today. His outfit couldn't have a better label on it either. Ah and look at those dimples!! He is so sweet!!!

Today I cleaned up carter's baby einstein excersaucer and put Tanner in it. He did so well!!! I had to put a small box under his feet even on the the lowest height adjustment but other than that it was perfect. He seemed to really enjoy it. I'm excited to try new things with him. I think we were afraid of hurting him before but I think the more we try and the sooner, the faster he'll learn.

Well, that's it for today. I still do not have ANY pictures from the beef and beer. I'm bummed. I will share some of the pictures of the golfers this week though. Have a great day!!!! Thanks for reading:)


Hannah said...

Love the pictures! Tanner is looking so strong. I can't wait for Tanner and Riley to meet. They seem like they will be perfect little friends.

Lauren said...

Oh I have missed seeing new pictures of that cute face! AND I LOVE THE TATTOO onsie. I need to get one of those for my girls too! Since their daddy is a tattooed as well. :)

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures of you it was loads of fun watching you and cousin Luke today Love Nona